i just fell of my friking bike XP
oooowwwwie i has a boo boo
my friend and i was going rele fast into this little sidewalk thing
but it had one of thise metal ples just sticking outta the ground at the entrance
nd he went in first nd i was to close behind him to go on teh side he was going on, so i triet to turn
but i slammede rite into teh pole nd went over teh handdle bars nd lik half a frikin flip came down lik on me ankle, fell, nd kinda slid on teh pavement
now my elbow, knee shoulder, nd a little bit of my back (had no shirt on) are kinda jacked up nd bleeding :(
my friend had to help me limp home cuz my anke hurt so much
now im in pain :(
here an unrelated song
hope u lik it
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You suck