I often have the same feelings you do right now. Then I start to imagine what the world would be like if I killed myself. But I am soon done fantasizing, and am soon listening to Pink Floyd.
I, too, have been accused of cutting. It happened in 9th grade, when I came into school with a cut on my wrist (no, it wasn't from cutting). I was playing my guitar and one of the strings got me on the wrist. Anyway, I went into school, and the people I hang out with started saying I cut myself. I just stayed away from everyone for the rest of that year and the next year.
Even as I speak, I am twirling an Xacto Knife blade between my fingers. I accidentally cut myself last night while shaving my pencil (I don't mean the dirty version.) I was literally taking a razor blade to a wooden pencil just for the hell of it, when the blade slipped and got me under the thumb. Its small so no one will see it.
Look at me, rambling on. I don't mean to bother you with my problems. Just remember: don't let people get you down. If someone does something you don't like, ignore them. Better yet, verbally assault them; just go rip-shit wild on them.
ooh tough luck but chear up man its all good
yea....... i also got rejected by teh girl i lik
she said she woldnt want to be around when i cut my self :'(
i dont cut myself