it wuz fun :) i got 1 of teh girls in my class to dance wit me :) nd some other girlz from different skoolz woo all said i look like taylor lautner (yes i kinda do :P) and i gained some self esteem :D but it kinda sucked cuz my ex grinded wit some other guy i no, nd we broke up about a week ago :( but to cheer me up, one of my friends woo is actualy my height (my best friend is lik 5 6, my other best friend is 6 1, nd one of teh new kids woo iz pretty chill iz 6 4) gave me a piggy back ride and we charged rite through teh big crowd in teh middle (it wuz extra fun cuz i was sing shouting to teh song dat wuz playin nd i liked it) but then he smashed his head into a girl woo wuznt payin attention nd we both went down. then i crashed immediately wen i got home. it wuz worth teh $10 to get in :)
this is the song dat was playing wen i got teh piggy back ride
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